Family Constellations are part of a therapeutic work methodology, in which you work in a group (although it can also be individually) present conflicts that have a "there and then".
The word has its meaning in the suffix trans which means through and the word generational which refers to our lineage in an ascending as descending sense. In this way, we explore the family tree to trace some symptoms that perhaps originated in other generations of our lineage almost always as a result of unresolved traumas. For example, wars can create the compulsive symptom of hoarding, rape or sexual abuse (performed by men) can give way to unconscious fears towards men, a loss that was not processed can result in a frozen mourning (deep sadness that is transmitted from generation to generation), to name a few.
Family Constellations are based on various theories. One of them is the systems theory, in which human beings are complex biological, linguistic, and social beings that form and are part of systems and subsystems, which in turn are made up of elements, relationships, and boundaries. Thus, the merely “individual” becomes more complex. Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic fields is also taken up, which analyzes the development of simultaneous adaptive functions in biological populations that have not had physical contact as such. Phenomenology is also present in this method, as it focuses on the "here and now", leaving aside intentions and focusing on facts.
How does it work in practice? The person who is going to constellate, goes to an interview in which only data is required, not with anecdotes, to take care of confidentiality and put interpretation aside. Afterwards, the consultant is told to choose among the people present, representatives for his/her Constellation. At this stage, we work with the feelings and sensations of the representatives. This gives us an image of the Family Unconscious and through it the reality of the consultant is revealed and transformed.
In the case of individual sessions, instead of representatives, we work with figures (dolls that represent people), therapeutic cards or other elements. They can also be carried out through remote sessions.
It's not magic. The Family Unconscious Memory is simply manifested because, just as each person has an individual Unconscious, so do the family systems.
Many patients who have tried other therapeutic methods, find in Family Constellations a deeper and more complex perspective about their current symptoms, with which a possible root modification of limiting patterns is visualized.
There are some key concepts within transgenerational theory. Here are some of the most relevant:
- Family loyalties: orders that are repeated within the clan, are given from a blind (childish) love so as not to lose the love of the other members and continue to belong. Ex: staying single to take care of mom or dad, illnesses/symptoms, repeating patterns of infidelity, patterns of misery/shortage.
- Eco Phrases: limiting unconscious programming that is repeated from generation to generation. Ex: there is no money, life is hard, men/women are bad, etc.
- Balance between giving and receiving: In every relationship between equals there must be a balance between giving and receiving. Said balance is not met with parents (asymmetrical relationship) because they give us the greatest thing that "life" has and this cannot be returned... but we have to take it with all our hearts and pass it on, towards our own children or projects.
-Right to belong: each person who has belonged to a system, regardless of what they did or did not do, has the right to belong. When he is excluded, someone later finds it necessary to represent him with her own life.
If in your personal work you have found a subject that you do not fully understand or persists, the transgenerational method could be useful for you.